Powershell - Create a Password Protected encrypted drive

Create a Password Protected encrypted drive

using BitLockerPowershell module cmdlets.
When  I run the Get-BitLockerVolume cmdlet, it shows me the below output, you can see , that I have two drives are both are not encrypted.
I am interested in encrypting my Data Drive which is drive letter D:\.
Let's encrypt it.

To encrypt a drive, we use the Enable-BitLockerVolume cmdlet
Remember: We need to create a Secure String Password, if you want to open the BitLocker encrypted drive using Password.
$pass = ConvertTo-SecureString "Passw0rd" -AsPlainText -Force
In above command, we are creating a new secure string of text, Passw0rd, this will be out password to unlock the BitLocker encrypted drive.
Enable-BitLocker -MountPoint D:\ -EncryptionMethod Aes128 -Password$pass -PasswordProtector