#Gets information for the spreadsheet $username = $env:USERNAME $computername = $env:COMPUTERNAME $ipv4 = Test-Connection -ComputerName (hostname) -Count 1 | foreach { $_.ipv4address } $ipv6 = Test-Connection -ComputerName (hostname) -Count 1 | foreach { $_.ipv6address } $computermodel = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem | foreach { $_.model } $serial = get-wmiobject win32_bios | foreach { $_.serialnumber } $timeformat='MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss tt' $time = (Get-Date).ToString($timeformat) $action = 'Logon' #Specifies filename, and directory $directory = "\\SERVER\DIRECTORY" $filedate = 'MM-dd-yyyy' $filename = 'CompInfo' + ' ' + $(Get-Date).ToString($filedate) $file = "$filename.csv" #Creates custom table and sorts the information $table= New-Object –TypeName PSObject -Property @{ 'Date/Time' = $time 'Username' = $username 'ComputerName'= $computername 'IPv4 Address' = $ipv4 'IPv6 Address' = $ipv6 'Model' = $computermodel 'Serial' = $serial 'Notes/Action' = $action } | Select date/time, username, computername, 'IPv4 Address', 'IPv6 Address', model, serial, notes/action #Checks if CSV has already been created for the day. if (Test-path "$directory\$file") { import-csv -Path "$directory\$file" > null $table | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Append -Path "$directory\$file" } else{ $table | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "$directory\$file" }