Deploying Apps with the help of Spiceworks

1.       Download PDQ Deploy
This is a free program (standard version) and can be found at...

2.       connect PDQ Deploy to Spiceworks

3.       Obtain software to deploy
PDQ Deploy makes it very easy to deploy MSI files siliently with no reboot after. I used the Adobe tool to create my Adobe Reader X install just the way i wanted to before i deployed it.
You can also use EXE files just keep in mind you will probably need to know the command line switches for them, for instance my silent office 2010 install i created a custom MSP using Microsoft tools and use that in PDQ Deploy.
setup.exe /adminfile Updates/Office2010StdSP1Unattended.MSP         

4.       Create Spiceworks software report.
Unfortunately Spiceworks doesnt allow you to group machines by software ....yet ;) So i created a simple report in Spiceworks to show me all of my machines that had Adobe Reader version 6-9 installed and exported it to a CSV file.       

5.       Import CSV into PDQ Deploy
One you have the CSV file you can import that list into PDQ Deploy very easily.

6.       DEPLOY!!!
Select the machines out of the list you imported (all we be selected by default) to deploy your software to and deploy!        - CAN HELP YOU FIND A SIMPLE INSTALL SCRIPT SILENT ETC…